Duke of Edinburgh's Award
How do I get started?
So you're interested in starting your own programme and achieving an Award? Congratulations, you're about to start an adventure you’ll never forget!
To sign up please select the level of award to register for below and complete the form. The form will be submitted to OED for processing and a payment request will appear on School Gateway in due course.
Once you have paid the registration fee, you will be registered on the eDofE and then you should receive an email with your log on details. Once you have activated your account the welcome pack will be sent direct to your home address.
For those with an existing eDofE account and proceeding onto silver or gold, once payment is received we will add the relevant level to your eDofE account and you should receive your welcome pack in the post soon after. Make sure your current address is showing in your eDofE record!
Bronze Award £65
Silver Award £70
Gold Award £75
All joining fees are non-refundable